
The tile module manages the tiles that are used to build a track.


You can see all the tiles here: linefollowtiles.pdf


The tiles 10 and 32 can not be used by Line Track Designer.

class tile.Tile(number)

Bases: object

Representation of a tile. An instance of the Tile class is composed of four fields:

  • number: number of the tile

  • name: name of the tile

  • path: path to the PNG image corresponding to the tile

  • image: PIL.Image format associated to the tile

SIDE = 200
static is_valid(number)

Return True if the number corresponds to a valid tile. It is valid if the number is between 2 and 33, and the tiles 10 and 32 are invalid.


number (int) – number of a tile


Is a valid number

Return type:



Init a tile.


number (int) – number of the tile


LineTrackDesignerError – invalid tile number

property number

Get the number of the tile.

property name

Get the name of the tile.

property path

Get the path of the PNG image associated to the tile.

property image

Get the image associated to the tile.


Make the sting format of the tile. It returns its name.


Make the repr format of the tile. It’s the same than the string format.


Show the tile in your picture viewer.


orient (int) – orientation of the tile (default: 0)


LineTrackDesignerError – invalid orient value

class tile.Tiles

Bases: object

Manage all the tiles. The tiles are stocked in the dictionary dict_tiles. The keys correspond to the number of the tile and the values are the Tile objects corresponding to this number.


Init the tiles. It creates the dictionary dict_tiles.

property dict_tiles

Get the dictionary of tiles.


Make the sting format of the tiles. It returns the names of the tiles.


Make the repr format of the tiles. It’s the same than the string format.


Get a tile from its number.


number (int) – number of the tile


tile associated to the number

Return type:



LineTrackDesignerError – tile not found

static show()

Open the PDF file containing the tiles.


LineTrackDesignerError – unable to open the PDF file