
Using pip

You can install latest release of the Line Track Designer library using pip3:

pip3 install line-track-designer

Using setuptools

The second way to install the library is to clone the GitHub repository and to use setuptools:

git clone
python3 install

Installing on Windows

On Windows, you can install the library with the two methods above. But, you probably will see the warning bellow:

The script linetrack.exe is installed in 'C:\Users\...' which is not on PATH.

To fix this warning, add the path indicated in the message to the PATH. You can follow the tutorial here.

Markdown editor

If you do not have any markdown editor, you can download Zettlr. It is very usefull to see markdown files built with Line Track Designer. In addition, to convert markdown files into PDF files, you need to install:

Running tests

If you cloned the repository, the tests can be run using:

python3 pytest